Robots with human vision


Two Scientists have cracked the brain’s ‘Enigma code’ which could pave the way to create robots capable of human vision. The code, compared to the secret Nazi encryption machines in the Second World War, details exactly what the two regions of the brain communicate when processing visual images. Researchers hope the new discovery could lead to creating bots with the potential for human-like vision.

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Tags: Personal Robotics Work Force

Robots with human vision

We Should Be More Afraid of Computers


Computer Fear

Sophisticated Algorithms

As sophisticated algorithms can complete tasks we once thought impossible, computers are seeming to become a real threat to humanity. Whether they decide to pulp us into human meat paste, or simply make our work completely unnecessary, argues technology reporter Alex Hern, we should be afraid of computers
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Google Bipedal Robot The Future of Manual Labor

Google bipedal robot

Google recently put up its Boston Dynamics robotics unit for sale. Google Bipedal Robot. But that doesn’t mean that the company is getting out of the automaton business. The small robot is shown walking in a number of situations that can be challenging even for humans, including a sandy beach, rocky terrain, snow, and a steep, narrow staircase. The video also shows off how the robot can handle uneven terrain while carrying heavy loads, indicating that this could be the precursor to the human labor replacement robot some have been anticipating in recent years.

Google Bipedal Robot The Future of Manual Labor

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Pentagon Research – A ‘Brain Modem’ Reality

Pentagon Research

The tiny injectable machine could turn your noodle into a remote control. The Pentagon is attempting what was, until recently, an impossible technological feat developing a high-bandwidth neural interface that would allow people to beam data from their minds to external devices and back. One that could allow a soldier to, for example, control a drone with his mind.

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